Enola gay pilot said

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She was Enola Gay Haggard before she married my dad, and my dad never supported me with the flying – he hated airplanes and motorcycles. Studs Terkel: And the Enola Gay was named after… And that particular moment changed the whole world. But once upon a time, you flew a plane called the Enola Gay over the city of Hiroshima, in Japan, on a Sunday morning – Aug– and a bomb fell. I noticed, as we sat in that restaurant, people passed by. Now we’ve had a nice lunch, you and I and your companion. Paul Tibbets: Hey, you’ve got to correct that. Me and Paul Tibbets, 89 years old, brigadier-general retired, in his home town of Columbus, Ohio, where he has lived for many years. Studs Terkel: We’re seated here, two old gaffers. It’s an interview by Studs Terkel with Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the B-29 that dropped the first atom bomb fascinating. From Al Mac Rae: Here is a bit of American history which has yet to reach the history books.

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